Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I am trying out another blog ;-)
The only thing I don't like about it so far, is that I can't get these great fonts like here on Blogger!
Anyway, here's the link:
I probably will still blog here, but it might not be as regularly. SciFiHorrorFem

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pre-Restart Post

I have to restart Firefox in a few,
but I wanted to make a post first. I downloaded and installed SGPlus (which I thought I already had, but guess I didn't? I dunno...
SGPlus lets me post to Facebook and/or Twitter when I post to Google+, so that's a little less of a hassle than posting to either both or all 3 individually. Also, the Facebook and Twitter feeds all run through Google+'s feed. I have found that some posts don't come through, while others do though, so that's a PITA :(
I'd better do the restart.
Have a howlingly good day, all!

Monday, October 17, 2011


Wheeee! The joys of dial up! Yes, I still use dial up! I know! I'm an idiot! I'm poor, so sue me! LOL!
Anyway, I knew I had 2 updates to download on my laptop computer this morning, so I put it online first.
That was around 6:45 am or so, maybe earlier...
It is NOW 1:44 pm and I JUST finished installing the Windows update of some 80MB, after I downloaded and installed Adobe Flash Player update which only took a few minutes.
I was also asked if I wanted to update Incredimail, but I declined for now and said Remind Me Later
At least both of those are done.
Next time I put my laptop computer online, I'll get the Incredimail update, IF I don't forget... *sigh*
I don't always turn on Incredimail when I'm on the laptop...
Anyway, I got a few emails replied to, some letters sent to my Yahoo Group
SFHFI (SciFiHorrorFansIncredimail)
Uh, well... I just restarted my laptop
and now ANOTHER update is available, but at
least it's small. Only 3.6MB Hehehe
Anyway, back to my Yahoo group (link above)...
I posted a few emails to it while I was on my laptop computer because there are several IM letters on it that I don't have here on this computer. (No, I don't have my computers synced, either... *sigh*)
I also replied to a couple of emails from
friends and clicked on some emails for pennies and points like I do everyday to scrimp and save for Xmas.
After I use the money/gift cards/whatever
that I get this year, I'm going to let the amounts build up till NEXT Xmas, so next year I'll REALLY have a great Xmas! LOL!
The ads on my blog also should give me a little money, IF PEOPLE CLICK ON THEM! LOL! I haven't earned anything from them yet, as far as I know, but I have only had one reader that I know of... LOL!
Oh, NOW my laptop is having to run a
Windows Defender scan, so I still am waiting to shut it's lid and let it have a rest after being used for the past 7 1/2 hours or so...!
I need to get email on here and finish
opening up websites I use everyday like Facebook, Google + and the like, so I'll shut up for now!
Have a monstrous day!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Shadows

Well, yesterday I watched a YouTube video of Jonathan Frid speaking to his fans about what's been going on in his life, the 2011 Dark Shadows Festival from a couple of months ago and about the upcoming Dark Shadows movie.
The video runs 3 minutes, 17 seconds and can be seen here:
The video was made in his home (I'm assuming) and it is very good to know he wants to acknowledge his fans and let them know a little about his life and thank them.
Seeing the video of him made me want to watch Dark Shadows last night. I watched the first disc of Dark Shadows: The Beginning then HAD to go to sleep. Over 3 hours of Dark Shadows goodness ;-)
That of course was BB (before Barnabas) hehe
It was from the time that Victoria Winters was heading to Collinsport from New York on a train.
I only have a couple of those sets and a few more of the Dark Shadows Collection dvd sets, but hope someday to get more of them. The prices have really come down on them and I'm glad of that. They come boxed in sets of 4 discs. Each disc has from 9 to 10 episodes of the series on it, but the series ran for over 1200 episodes, so you can see my problem LOL!
I really LOVE Dark Shadows though and am looking forward to the movie!
Have a creepy day!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saturday SOA

     No, SONS OF ANARCHY isn't horror or scifi, but it is weird, in a groovy kinda way... ;-)
    I know I was griping about sex and violence in SPARTACUS, but for some reason, this show feels different.
       I don't envy those living the life of those on SOA, but their lives are less grotesque and nasty than those in SPARTACUS, even though their lives seem pretty realistic and gritty and grubby, as real life tends to be.
        Last night I watched disc 1 of season 3 of SOA.
       Many people are on SOA that were on LOST and DEADWOOD. Many others, such as Ryan Hurst were in movies and tv shows that I saw years ago. The first time I ever saw Ryan Hurst was in THE POSTMAN with Kevin Costner. Ron Perlman, Katey Sagal, Charlie Hunnam, Kim Coates, Mark Boone, Jr., Theo Rossi, Kenny Johnson, Maggie Siff, William Lucking, Tommy Flanagan, Dayton Callie and Taylor Sheridan are a GREAT cast!
        Creator of the show, Kurt Sutter also plays a recurring character who is a member of the SOA that is imprisoned. Katey Sagal is married to Sutter, which I didn't know until I began watching this series on dvd. Others of the Sagal family participate in the show in a variety of ways, acting, writing and Katey Sagal does some singing. They do a lot of covers of songs from the 60s and 70s, etc. for the show and they get them to work with it well.
      The show is very adult, violent, sexy, nasty and gritty, but I want to see this show go on for many years, unlike Spartacus, which I dread knowing it's returning in another incarnation in January 2012.
      Ally Walker has been so easy to hate as the ATF/FBI/whatever the heck kind of agent she portrays on the show occasionally. I liked her on THE PROFILER years ago, follow her on Twitter and liked her in just about anything I've ever seen her, including UNIVERSAL SOLDIER.
     This season there are many great guest stars and recurring ones. Hal Holbrook, Titus Welliver, Francis Fisher, STEPHEN KING!!! ;-) and many more with familiar faces, but I can't think of their names right now.
     Watch for someone from THE DARK KNIGHT showing up in the episode HOME. I won't say who, but I'm sure you'll recognize the person even though they are not a name.
      I highly recommend this show to you, my readers, but remember, it is very adult, very violent and very real.
Have a creepy day!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Non Horror Post: Spartacus: Gods of the Arena

Watched disc 1 of 2 last night of Spartacus: Gods of the Arena on Netflix dvd rental.
I didn't think the show could get any sicker, but it did. I am not fond of rape scenes or of people being beaten bloody and left to die or a LOT of what S:GotA offers. I was busy updating iTunes, Adobe Flash, etc. on this and a couple of other computers last night, so I was back and forth a lot and didn't even bother to pause the dvd while I was out of the room...
Andy Whitfield sadly passed away a few weeks ago, who played the titular role of Spartacus (a name that was given him by Batiatus, the dominus there), not the real name of his character. When he played Spartacus on Spartacus: Blood and Sand it was raunchy enough, but I think the prequel is even worse.
I will be glad when we view disc 2 in a few days and hopefully that will be the last of it, ever.
Oh, joy! I just found out there will be MORE Spartacus... *sigh*
Spartacus: Vengeance will be on Starz in January 2012...
Shoot me...
Signing off and thinking of jumping off a cliff... LOL!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Horror Triple Play

Last night I watched 3 horror movies from the 70s & 80s.
     The first was THE GHOUL (1975) and starred the late, great Peter Cushing (who is one of my very favorite actors) and John Hurt (and he's another one!). It was set in the 1920s and also starred the British 70s show SURVIVORS actor Ian McCulloch. It also starred the lovely Veronica Carlson, Alexandra Bastedo, Gwen Watford and Don Henderson as the ghoul.
     The second was THE HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY (1981), starring no actors I ever heard of, but the little girl was familiar and creepy ;-)
The little boy's voice dubber was a PITA LOL!
Lucio Fulci directed it and he even had a role in the film as a professor.
     The third was HORROR RISES FROM THE TOMB (1973). It starred the late, great Paul Naschy (who is another favorite actor of mine) in a role I'm not sure he ever revisited as he did other roles he portrayed, Alaric De Marnac. He also played 2 other roles in the film. In the present as a descendant of Alaric De Marnac, Hugo De Marnac and as an enemy of Alaric De Marnac in the past (who was also his kinsman, brother, methinks?) Armand De Marnac.
     All these movies have their faults and are B-Movies, but all were enjoyable. The dvds we have of them aren't very good quality and I'm sure they would look much better if restored and on higher quality dvds, but they suffice for us, as beggars can't be choosers LOL!
     I do so enjoy seeing actors I have grown to love in other roles, such as the beloved Peter Cushing. He was so wonderful in all the Hammer Dracula & Frankenstein movies, as well as THE HOUSE THAT DRIPPED BLOOD, STAR WARS and many, many other movies too numerous to mention.
He will always be my favorite Dr. Van Helsing and he was wonderfully evil as Dr. Frankenstein.
     John Hurt looked so young in THE GHOUL, but it was only 3 or 4 years before he was in ALIEN and I think it was the longish hair and his portrayal of Tom as a sort of simpleton, but with evil intent toward the two women he encountered in the film. Hurt is wonderful in anything I have seen him, such as 1984, THE OSTERMAN WEEKEND, HELL BOY, THE SKELETON KEY, to name only a few.
     Ian McCulloch was someone I'd known I'd seen in something else when I watched the british tv show SURVIVORS on Netflix dvd rental recently and I was glad to see that it was THE GHOUL that I'd seen him in ;-)
     Veronica Carlson had been in other Hammer horror movies and she was very lovely and memorable in THE GHOUL.
     Alexandra Bastedo was also in many British productions over the years and was equally lovely. In my IMDb search, I see that she was in BATMAN BEGINS! I have to watch more closely the next time I see it!
     Can't say much about the actors in THE HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY as I don't believe I've ever seen any of them in anything else. The children were lovely, yet a tad strange.
The US locations were great, though the interiors were all shot in a studio in Rome.
     The late, great Paul Naschy enjoyed playing several roles in HORROR RISES FROM THE TOMB and I'm glad he DID, because Hugo De Marnac was something of an emotionless man, I felt. He was much more firey as Alaric De Marnac.
    These movies were all in a cheap set we bought for probably $5 at Borders or Walmart or somewhere YEARS ago. There's one more, but we didn't get to it last night. Maybe tonight after SPARTACUS: GODS OF THE ARENA rental dvd that we have coming today from Netflix... if we have time...
Have a ghoulishly fun day!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Walking Dead, Etc. ;-)

Finished up disc 2 of season 1 of THE WALKING DEAD last night.
Very good series, methinks!
I look forward to season 2 and hope they go on for many more.
     The cast is great. I don't know all their names and I don't have IMDb or something open to search them out, but many familiar faces and those who weren't familiar to begin with, have become so after watching the 6 episode season 1. Laurie Holden and Jeffrey DeMunn are 2 actors that have always been favorites of mine from the first time I saw them. Michael Rooker, Norman Reedus and many others who are either regulars, guest stars or whatever on the show are people I've seen in many movies and tv shows over the years and Love what they do to be different in every role they get.
     I needed something to watch last night to get my mind off the real world. Real life is not as bad as the world of THE WALKING DEAD, but it's pretty frustrating and aggravating, dealing with it, day in and day out, so it's nice to forget it a while and see some zombies being killed or some humans trying to survive another day.
     It is a very adult show, with lots of gore, violence and sexual situations, but for those of us who love zombies, THE WALKING DEAD is very highly recommended.
Have a creepy day!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Horror Etc Podcast

One of my very favorite podcasts is based in Canada.
The co-hosts of the show are Anthony Mann and Kingstown Ted.
Occasionally they have other folks on the show that are friends of theirs, such as Doug.
They also occasionally have guests they interview or they record talks or interviews at conventions, such as the Festival of Fear.
The name of the podcast (as I have in the subject line) is the HorrorEtc podcast.
I enjoy listening to their podcasts more than once, so I make sure to save them to my computer's external hard drive each time I download a new one.
Right now, I am listening to their latest visit to the Festival of Fear.
They met Lance Henriksen there a year or so ago and interviewed him for the podcast and they were lucky enough to run into him the night before they recorded this podcast and spent some quality time with him. From what I have heard of and from Lance Henriksen, he is a really great person. I would Love to meet him someday. He seems extremely down to earth and friendly and is a very intelligent, thoughtful man. Here's to ya, Lance!
Also appearing at Festival of Fear 2011 were Robert Englund, Martin Landau, Danielle Harris and John Astin. I still am only partially through the podcast of their first day/night at the Festival of Fear, so I may here of more, but those are some pretty great genre names, as well as the mainstream work they've done over the years.
I highly recommend the HorrorEtc podcast.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Camelot 2011
Welllll, I decided to rent the Camelot tv series from Netflix...
I don't regret it, but it's not my cup o' tea, although I'm going to watch the second disc whenever it comes up on my Netflix rental queue, just to finish out what little bit of the story that they tell...
Arthur is a wimpy, little, skinny guy that is not my cup o' tea, either and he is fallen in love with by a GORGEOUS Gwenevere, for some weird reason...
Oh, and Merlin is played by a shaven-headed Joseph Fiennes, which I kind of LIKE, even though he's not how I picture Merlin looking like, at all!
Sean Pertwee (son of the actor who was the third to portray Doctor Who in the original run of the show, Jon Pertwee) was in the first two episodes and I enjoyed seeing him.
Claire Forlani is beautiful as Arthur's mother Igraine.
Vincent Regan makes an appearance in the fourth episode entitled The Lady Of The Lake as a swordsmith named Caliburn. Regan has also been in TROY and in 300. He played the captain of King Leonidas' men in 300. He was also King Kepheus in the latest version of CLASH OF THE TITANS and he was Mark Anthony in EMPIRE, a tv movie for cable, methinks? He's an actor that I enjoy seeing, but he's also an actor that makes me say "Where have I seen him before?" almost everytime. He's one of those chameleons that looks different in nearly every role. I like that, though. Keeps me guessing.
Joseph Fiennes is playing Merlin without using his powers, until the episode The Lady of the Lake, but I won't spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it yet.
SO MANY CHANGES in storyline, but I KNOW that's something that has to be done to keep things fresh and not so predictable, but EGAD!
One role I think was casted perfectly...
Eva Green as Morgan...
She is also to portray Angelique in the upcoming Dark Shadows movie and I think she will do well in that role, especially after playing Morgan in CAMELOT.
CAMELOT is shot in Ireland.
Beautiful scenery. Great locations.
Nice cast.
It was cancelled after 10 episodes, on Starz.
For those who don't like nudity, I'd advise you not to try it, but it does have partial nudity of men and women and sexual situations abound! Of course, so did the original Arthurian tales, so it's to be expected.
I like watching anything Arthurian, but so far, I haven't really found anything I LOVE in recent years.
I need to re-watch a vhs tape a friend lent/gave to me years ago of the Sam Neill version of MERLIN. I can't remember if I ever finished it or really paid attention to it as I should've.
I also need to read and in some cases of some of the books I have read in the past, re-read the Mary Stewart Arthurian tales. I have four of them. I need to make sure if those are the whole series, though.
I own The Wicked Day, The Last Enchantment, The Hollow Hills and The Crystal Cave.
I need to make sure if I need more to complete that series and find it/them somewhere at a flea market or cheap online or something, then get them in order as they should be read, then read them. I know I enjoyed reading some of them years ago and I've had these copies of them for several years. I just have procrastinated about starting to read them as I should.
Well, for those of you who just HAVE to see ALL Arthurian tv shows and movies, see CAMELOT, but be ready for a lot of twists in the storyline and a lot of sex and blood.
Have a great day! Be scared! LOL!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

R.I.P.s and Birthdays...

This week we lost 3 people that we either recognize their faces and not their names or know of things they've done that made a difference in our lives, whether we realize their contributions or not.
First to pass this week was Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple. He was 56.
Second was Charles Napier, actor, artist, writer and I'm sure much more, but this was what I have seen and heard of him. He was 75.
Third was David Hess. Actor, songwriter. He was 69.

Steve Jobs was responsible for many innovations in computers that we now take for granted and we will remember him for years to come and thank him for his contribution to our online lives.

Charles Napier was in many movies and tv shows that we have seen and will continue to see for as long as there are reruns and people rent dvds/blurays and/or stream or whatever to view things he has been in, such as RAMBO 2, SILENCE OF THE LAMBS and an episode of STAR TREK TOS, The Way to Eden. He had a smile that genuinely lit up a room, IF he was being a good guy on the screen or that could send shivers down your spine if he was portraying a villain. He painted watercolors which when sold he donated the money. He had just co-written a biographical book of himself entitled Square Jaw and Big Heart and had been doing promotional appearances for it.
At the time, the reason for his death is undetermined. He was found collapsed in his home by his daughter.
He will be missed...

David Hess will mostly be remembered for his role in Wes Craven's LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, but he acted in quite a few other movies and tv shows and he also wrote and sang and had at least a couple of albums he'd put out over the years. He had a Facebook page and I wish he and I had conversed some on there, but he hadn't responded to my friends request before his passing.
He, as will Steve Jobs and Charles Napier, will be missed...
Today is the birthday of Brian Blessed, 75, Guillermo Del Toro, 47, Tony Shalhoub, 58 and Scott Bakula, 57.
It would have been John Lennon's 72nd birthday today and it's his son Sean Lennon's 36th birthday, also.
Other birthdays today (don't know all their ages, but they're listed on IMDb ;-))...
Brandon Routh, Jodelle Ferland, Michael Pare, Zachery Ty Bryan, John O'Hurley and those people were in the first 50 on IMDb, so if you want to know their ages, find out who the heck they are if you don't know and see more birthdays today, GO READ IT YOURSELF! LOL!
Have a great day and a wonderful week, all ye that venture in! LOL!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Wednesday night, I watched THOR!
Last night (Friday), I watched X-MEN: FIRST CLASS!
No movies are perfect and these aren't, but I HATE reading the Goofs segments on IMDb, etc.
If I like a movie, I don't want someone else pointing out all the little glitches!
Geeze, people! Could any of us go out there and make movies about our comic book superheroes we grew up with and make them look like that!?!
I grew up reading lots of Thor comics and watching him in cartoons on tv.
LOVED THOR then and still do!
I started reading classic X-Men comics from the early 60s when my parents bought them for me in boxes of miscellaneous merchandise they bought in auctions for nearly nothing.
I WISH I still had those comics!
I LOVED Jack Kirby's art and last night's watching the rental dvd of X-MEN: FIRST CLASS brought back so many of those feelings I had while reading the X-Men comics when I was a kid!
Thor was great Wednesday night, also!
I just had such a feeling of warmth, happiness and love for the characters of both movies during and after the movies ended.
I rewatched them both before sending them back to Netflix.
I plan on buying them both when my finances improve.
Not really spoilery, but watch all the way to the end of the credits on THOR, since there's a tidbit there at the end of them.
X-MEN: FIRST CLASS doesn't have that, but oh, man, I loved both movies so much!
Can't wait to buy dvds someday of them that have lots of extras!
Fangirl, signing off for the day!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dead Woman Walkin'

I have been remiss yet again...
Saturday night, I began watching the AMC program THE WALKING DEAD on Netflix rental dvd.
I have heard about it since before it began it's run on AMC, but don't have cable or satellite or highspeed internet, so I hadn't seen it till Saturday night.
I am looking forward to the rest of the dvd set. I think there's only 1 more?
Most cable shows have many less episodes than broadcast tv, but only 6 epidsodes? WAA! LOL!
I enjoyed the first 4 episodes and hope the last 2 are as good.
Michael Rooker and Norman Reedus play brothers on the show. Jeffrey DeMunn and Laurie Holden are two more name actors who are members of the cast. I really can't name any of the others, but many familiar faces and many others that will become familiar faces and names over time, if the show lasts.
It has a second season coming up, but so many changes in the writing staff, etc. went on after the first season wrapped, the latest being the dumping of one of the creators of the show, showrunner Frank Darabont!
I've always enjoyed apocalyptic tv shows, movies and books (and zombies), so I have been very interested in this from the first time I heard about it.
I've got a lot to do today, online and off and I plan to go do laundry tomorrow and maybe use some wifi in town with my laptop computer ;-)
so I am going to cut this short today.
Hey! At least I posted! LOL!
Tonight we get to see SCREAM 4!
Yeah, I know... but I've been a fan of the SCREAM movies from the beginning and I'm a completist, so I rented it from Netflix.
If I can afford it and like it, I plan on buying it someday and if they make SCREAM 5 and 6... ;-)
Have a zippity doo dah day! LOL!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Attention! Readers Of My Blog!

Now that I have your attention ;-)
PLEASE comment on any and all of my blog posts that you read, ok?
I haven't checked today, but I believe people are reading it (or a person?), but not commenting...
This can be discouraging, but I shall continue to blog my pea-pickin' lil' heart out LOL!
I read here on Blogger that principal photography has wrapped on the Dark Shadows movie. I didn't realize it had been going on for over 5 months. Seems like a lot less time. I'm looking forward to the movie and hope it's a rousing hit! BAH to the bashers!
Give it a chance, people!
I'm not crazy about some of the cast or some of the makeup or some of the storyline or the way some of the characters are being portrayed, but hey, I don't write, direct, produce, photograph or act in movies, so what the heck do I know?
Dark Shadows started out as a soap opera over 45 years ago on ABC that began as just your average, everyday gothic romance-type soap with slight overtones of spookiness, with a ghost flitting about (mostly in a bratty little boy's imagination) at first, then another ghost of a murdered man, then a woman who would burn to death every 100 yrs or so only to be reborn (The Phoenix) and finally, nearly a year after the show began, a VAMPIRE showed up!
After that, all types of monsters, mad scientists, witches, warlocks, werewolves, zombies and the like began appearing around Collinwood, Collinsport, Maine, USA!
The show began in 1966 and ended in 1971.
There were also 2 theatrical movies. One was shot during Dark Shadows' tv run, with part of the cast mysteriously disappearing from the show for weeks at a time to film their parts in the movie, House of Dark Shadows.
Then another movie was made featuring mostly a different cast, I believe the only ones in both movies were Thayer David and Grayson Hall, but I may be mistaken about that, since I've never seen the second movie, Night of Dark Shadows.
Both of them are to be released on dvd for the first time around the time of the new Dark Shadows movie's premiere (methinks?).
They are to be with added footage, extras and the like from what I have heard and I can't wait!
Then in 1991, Dan Curtis re-VAMPed heheh DS and brought it back as a short-lived night time series that was bombed out of existence rather quickly being preempted by coverage of Shock & Awe in Desert Storm.
It then became the "1991 Dark Shadows Revival Miniseries"...
It had interesting elements, but offended many viewers of the original show with it's gore factor, it's change in many of the storylines and leaving out many beloved characters or amalgamating them with others. It's dumbing-down and nastying-up of Willie Loomis and some didn't like Ben Cross as Barnabas Collins.
After the show went back in time the storyline improved IMHO, but then left us hanging with a cliff hanger that we wished had been played out. Now we will never know if Victoria confronted Barnabas with his terrible secret when she returned to the present, since she found it out in the past...
Then, a few years ago (I forget how many, but early 2000s, methinks?) Dan Curtis had a new pilot made for a new version of Dark Shadows, on the CW or WB or whatever it was at the time...
That pilot never saw the light of day as far as I know...
Now Tim Burton is directing a film that had it's screenplay written by PRIDE and PREDJUDICE and ZOMBIES, ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER author Seth Grahame Smith and starring a fan of the original Dark Shadows as Barnabas Collins, Johnny Depp!
It also stars Helena Bonham Carter as Dr. Julia Hoffman, Michelle Pfeiffer as Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, Jonny Lee Miller as Roger Collins, Chloe Moretz as Carolyn Collins Stoddard, Jackie Earle Haley as Willie Loomis, and Bella Heathcote as Victoria Winters.
I can't remember the names of the rest of the cast right off the top of my head, but David Collins and Mrs. Johnson's characters are also in the movie.
Cameos in the movie will be made by original Dark Shadows cast members Jonathan Frid, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Lara Parker and David Selby!
Other cameos will be made by Alice Cooper and Christopher Lee!
I could go on and on about Dark Shadows in all it's many forms such as novels, comic books and the like all day, but I'll close for now...
Again, anyone who reads my blog, please comment and I hope you'll read each and every one of my blog entries and see just how nuts I am...
about Science Fiction and Horror! LOL!
Have a creepy day!