Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Horror Etc Podcast

One of my very favorite podcasts is based in Canada.
The co-hosts of the show are Anthony Mann and Kingstown Ted.
Occasionally they have other folks on the show that are friends of theirs, such as Doug.
They also occasionally have guests they interview or they record talks or interviews at conventions, such as the Festival of Fear.
The name of the podcast (as I have in the subject line) is the HorrorEtc podcast.
I enjoy listening to their podcasts more than once, so I make sure to save them to my computer's external hard drive each time I download a new one.
Right now, I am listening to their latest visit to the Festival of Fear.
They met Lance Henriksen there a year or so ago and interviewed him for the podcast and they were lucky enough to run into him the night before they recorded this podcast and spent some quality time with him. From what I have heard of and from Lance Henriksen, he is a really great person. I would Love to meet him someday. He seems extremely down to earth and friendly and is a very intelligent, thoughtful man. Here's to ya, Lance!
Also appearing at Festival of Fear 2011 were Robert Englund, Martin Landau, Danielle Harris and John Astin. I still am only partially through the podcast of their first day/night at the Festival of Fear, so I may here of more, but those are some pretty great genre names, as well as the mainstream work they've done over the years.
I highly recommend the HorrorEtc podcast.

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