Monday, October 17, 2011


Wheeee! The joys of dial up! Yes, I still use dial up! I know! I'm an idiot! I'm poor, so sue me! LOL!
Anyway, I knew I had 2 updates to download on my laptop computer this morning, so I put it online first.
That was around 6:45 am or so, maybe earlier...
It is NOW 1:44 pm and I JUST finished installing the Windows update of some 80MB, after I downloaded and installed Adobe Flash Player update which only took a few minutes.
I was also asked if I wanted to update Incredimail, but I declined for now and said Remind Me Later
At least both of those are done.
Next time I put my laptop computer online, I'll get the Incredimail update, IF I don't forget... *sigh*
I don't always turn on Incredimail when I'm on the laptop...
Anyway, I got a few emails replied to, some letters sent to my Yahoo Group
SFHFI (SciFiHorrorFansIncredimail)
Uh, well... I just restarted my laptop
and now ANOTHER update is available, but at
least it's small. Only 3.6MB Hehehe
Anyway, back to my Yahoo group (link above)...
I posted a few emails to it while I was on my laptop computer because there are several IM letters on it that I don't have here on this computer. (No, I don't have my computers synced, either... *sigh*)
I also replied to a couple of emails from
friends and clicked on some emails for pennies and points like I do everyday to scrimp and save for Xmas.
After I use the money/gift cards/whatever
that I get this year, I'm going to let the amounts build up till NEXT Xmas, so next year I'll REALLY have a great Xmas! LOL!
The ads on my blog also should give me a little money, IF PEOPLE CLICK ON THEM! LOL! I haven't earned anything from them yet, as far as I know, but I have only had one reader that I know of... LOL!
Oh, NOW my laptop is having to run a
Windows Defender scan, so I still am waiting to shut it's lid and let it have a rest after being used for the past 7 1/2 hours or so...!
I need to get email on here and finish
opening up websites I use everyday like Facebook, Google + and the like, so I'll shut up for now!
Have a monstrous day!

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