Monday, October 3, 2011

Attention! Readers Of My Blog!

Now that I have your attention ;-)
PLEASE comment on any and all of my blog posts that you read, ok?
I haven't checked today, but I believe people are reading it (or a person?), but not commenting...
This can be discouraging, but I shall continue to blog my pea-pickin' lil' heart out LOL!
I read here on Blogger that principal photography has wrapped on the Dark Shadows movie. I didn't realize it had been going on for over 5 months. Seems like a lot less time. I'm looking forward to the movie and hope it's a rousing hit! BAH to the bashers!
Give it a chance, people!
I'm not crazy about some of the cast or some of the makeup or some of the storyline or the way some of the characters are being portrayed, but hey, I don't write, direct, produce, photograph or act in movies, so what the heck do I know?
Dark Shadows started out as a soap opera over 45 years ago on ABC that began as just your average, everyday gothic romance-type soap with slight overtones of spookiness, with a ghost flitting about (mostly in a bratty little boy's imagination) at first, then another ghost of a murdered man, then a woman who would burn to death every 100 yrs or so only to be reborn (The Phoenix) and finally, nearly a year after the show began, a VAMPIRE showed up!
After that, all types of monsters, mad scientists, witches, warlocks, werewolves, zombies and the like began appearing around Collinwood, Collinsport, Maine, USA!
The show began in 1966 and ended in 1971.
There were also 2 theatrical movies. One was shot during Dark Shadows' tv run, with part of the cast mysteriously disappearing from the show for weeks at a time to film their parts in the movie, House of Dark Shadows.
Then another movie was made featuring mostly a different cast, I believe the only ones in both movies were Thayer David and Grayson Hall, but I may be mistaken about that, since I've never seen the second movie, Night of Dark Shadows.
Both of them are to be released on dvd for the first time around the time of the new Dark Shadows movie's premiere (methinks?).
They are to be with added footage, extras and the like from what I have heard and I can't wait!
Then in 1991, Dan Curtis re-VAMPed heheh DS and brought it back as a short-lived night time series that was bombed out of existence rather quickly being preempted by coverage of Shock & Awe in Desert Storm.
It then became the "1991 Dark Shadows Revival Miniseries"...
It had interesting elements, but offended many viewers of the original show with it's gore factor, it's change in many of the storylines and leaving out many beloved characters or amalgamating them with others. It's dumbing-down and nastying-up of Willie Loomis and some didn't like Ben Cross as Barnabas Collins.
After the show went back in time the storyline improved IMHO, but then left us hanging with a cliff hanger that we wished had been played out. Now we will never know if Victoria confronted Barnabas with his terrible secret when she returned to the present, since she found it out in the past...
Then, a few years ago (I forget how many, but early 2000s, methinks?) Dan Curtis had a new pilot made for a new version of Dark Shadows, on the CW or WB or whatever it was at the time...
That pilot never saw the light of day as far as I know...
Now Tim Burton is directing a film that had it's screenplay written by PRIDE and PREDJUDICE and ZOMBIES, ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER author Seth Grahame Smith and starring a fan of the original Dark Shadows as Barnabas Collins, Johnny Depp!
It also stars Helena Bonham Carter as Dr. Julia Hoffman, Michelle Pfeiffer as Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, Jonny Lee Miller as Roger Collins, Chloe Moretz as Carolyn Collins Stoddard, Jackie Earle Haley as Willie Loomis, and Bella Heathcote as Victoria Winters.
I can't remember the names of the rest of the cast right off the top of my head, but David Collins and Mrs. Johnson's characters are also in the movie.
Cameos in the movie will be made by original Dark Shadows cast members Jonathan Frid, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Lara Parker and David Selby!
Other cameos will be made by Alice Cooper and Christopher Lee!
I could go on and on about Dark Shadows in all it's many forms such as novels, comic books and the like all day, but I'll close for now...
Again, anyone who reads my blog, please comment and I hope you'll read each and every one of my blog entries and see just how nuts I am...
about Science Fiction and Horror! LOL!
Have a creepy day!

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