Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Fruity Goodness ;-)

The title of today's post is just a silly title and has nothing to do with what I'm going to discuss... yet...
Last night I watched THE GRUDGE on dvd.
I saw the original Japanese version once on a rental dvd and it was good, with a slightly different take on the story, but I prefer the American version.
It had been so long since I'd seen it, although I've watched it a time or three over the years, that I had forgotten all of the cast except Sarah Michelle Gellar.
Jason Behr plays Sarah's characters boyfriend that she accompanied to Japan when he went there to attend medical school as an exchange student. She also was attending college and was working at a help center that, probably among other things, sent it's workers out to households with older people who needed help and to give a hand to the families of these people by doing light housework, tending to the old or sick person's needs by feeding, bathing and just generally taking care of them.
The story unfolds in a series of scenes with different people over time and switches from present day to 3 years or so into the past and sometimes those time streams are blended.
A LOST alumnist, William Mapother plays the husband/son of a family of 3 that were the first people to rent the house after a murder/suicide took place in it 3 years previously. A Japanese man had killed his wife, their son and their cat, then committed suicide himself after finding his wife's journal, filled with romantic meanderings about a college professor that she had been stalking so much that she appeared in all kinds of photos that had been taken of him over time. The college professor had been receiving letters from her and became so upset over getting them that he tracked down where she lived and went there to get her to stop, apparently. He was the one that found the bodies and while there, he and Sarah Michelle Gellar's characters shared the same space, but not the same time. She could see him and I think he got glimpses of her, but it was like he was seeing a shadow or a ghost or something out of the corner of his eye.
After seeing all the death that had happened in that house, the next morning he apparently jumped from the balcony of his apartment, his wife seeing him supposedly jump.
Much more goes on in this movie and I have it all out of order, I am sure, but for those who like Jade Horror and/or the movies THE RING or anything of that type, this is one I recommend for it's sheer creepiness.
The look of the movements of the creatures in the movie, as well as the use of long, creepy hair and the fear of dark water standing nearly to the top of a bathtub, as well as the horrible sounds in this movie coming from at least 2 characters and an animal, give it a spooky feeling.
I've already spoiled the movie for those who haven't seen it, but there is a lot more to scare you in it than what I have told you.
More creepy stuff about something tomorrow, I hope!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Have A Headache...

When I brought up my Google+ profile page this morning (I have that open first when I click on my Google+ link), it informed me that I needed to change my name on Google+ (SciFiHorrorFem Incredimail, the same as on here and Gmail and Facebook and just SciFiHorrorFem on Twitter, so hmmm?)... I changed it by taking out all but one capital letter... Scifihorrorfem Incredimail, so we'll see if that fixes it???
I don't know... All I know is I've been using that name for weeks and that's the first they've said a word about it...
I signed on to Google+ last night from my laptop, so I could put Google+ and other things on my laptop that I hadn't, since I don't use it everyday like this one, so maybe that made things go nuts? I dunno...
To get to things I actually WANT to discuss...
I watched DEXTER Season 5, Disc 3 last night.
I moved Season 5, Disc 4 up to the top of my Netflix rental queue last night right after finishing Disc 3. I LOVE DEXTER!
The podcast Dissecting Dexter has a new Facebook page if you'd like to check it out.
I'm trying to wait and go in order from his first podcasts through to the end, but he's kind of jumping around a bit, but the podcast is very interesting and he has some good production values, besides being a big fan of the show, so it's enjoyable to listen to.
Also, Damon Lindleoff talks about the cast of the upcoming ALIEN prequel PROMETHEUS if ya'd like to check that out, also. Sorta spoilery, so be warned!
I'm a BIG ALIEN fan, so this movie is very interesting to me!
I am very happy with the cast that I've seen so far. Charlize Theron is a beautiful lady with great acting chops and I think she will add a LOT to PROMETHEUS. Michael Fassbender is also very interesting to me. I still need to see X-MEN: FIRST CLASS and him in it as Eric "Magneto" Lenscher (forgive my spelling but not checking IMDb before I post this LOL!).
It's great to be finding great blogs on here that interest me.
I'm glad to be a member of Blogger and hope to continue rambling and hopefully will gain some followers of my own!
Have a beastly day, gang!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I Have Been Remiss...

Monday night, I watched the new FOX tv show Terra Nova...
I didn't HATE it, but it wasn't as good as I'd hoped it would be. The CGI wasn't top-notch and I've seen it compared to LOST, although LOST was much better, even in it's pilot episode than Terra Nova. I like the actors, especially Stephen Lang, who is very good at seeming to be a great guy, but you just never know what's going on behind those eyes...
Last night I watched Jess Franco's IL CONDE DRACULA aka COUNT DRACULA aka, etc., etc.
It's a 38 yr old film that if it had actually had it's biggest stars in scenes together, it would have been better and if the scene of the taxidermied animals was removed and it weren't so slow, it might have been great!
Christopher Lee has said that it's his favorite time playing Count Dracula.
He did get to portray Dracula much more accurately, as Bram Stoker had written the story, appearing as an old man at first, gradually growing younger and younger-looking as the movie progresses and he consumes more blood (although why he wasn't a lot younger by the time he got to London by boat and had killed all the crew, I have no clue, although that part of the story wasn't really discussed and Jonathan Harker just mysteriously got back to Professor Van Helsing's mental hospital in London and was being treated by Dr. Seward who was in Van Helsing's employ at the hospital, after Harker was found lying in a stream near Bucharest??? Ooookaaay...) and Renfield, played by the ever-creepy Klaus Kinski was in a huge, padded room (did they even HAVE padded rooms in mental hospitals the 1800s???), with a toilet-looking nook in the wall where he kept a small decorative box that he kept his dead flies and other bugs in so he could eat them at his leisure... ICK!
Griping continued... Lee & Lom weren't even in the same scene even though they looked as if they were, sorta, kinda... they filmed the scene as if they were interacting, but were acting with other people standing in for each other. Klaus Kinski was never in a scene with Van Helsing or Dracula...
Dracula's speech in the castle to Harker was very good, with quite a few other things in the castle being either totally accurate to Stoker's novel or doing a good job conveying that same feeling and Dracula growing younger through the movie was very much following the storyline.
Women in the 70s though, just killed me always fainting and gasping and being so naive.
Both ladies were lovely (portraying the Mina and Lucy characters) and the men were handsome (portraying Jonathan and Quincy).
Christopher Lee, as always, has a wonderful speaking voice and did a terrific job with the lines he was given.
Herbert Lom did a wonderful job as Van Helsing also. He has always been a favorite actor of mine. He is regal and can also be kind. His voice is also absolutely wonderful IMHO.
Klaus Kinski was very creepy as Renfield, without a lot of dialogue and although he was supposed to be screaming through a lot of the movie, you never SAW him screaming. The screaming was always off-camera.
I am glad that I saw the movie on rental dvd and to have heard in the extras the reading/acting out of a shortened version Bram Stoker's DRACULA was worth the rental on it's own!
I also enjoyed seeing and hearing Jess Franco himself in the extras, telling about the making of the movie.
Franco also played Van Helsing's servant in a role that was dubbed by someone with a cockney accent, but it was wonderful to see a director in a relatively large role in his own movie, not just in small cameo roles as Stephen King tends to do often in movies based on his books and as Hitchcock did, among other directors/writers, etc.
Well, I think I'm done for the day.
Creep out!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shadows Of The Night

Sorry that I've neglected posting to my blog for a couple of days.
Real life sometimes takes over and I'm still very new at this daily blogging thing LOL!
Saturday I did a lot of cleaning and rearranging in this room, then Sunday I was nervous about things I had to do on Monday, besides recovering from all the stuff I did Saturday, then yesterday I did a lot of paperwork for my dad, did a little cleaning and errands for him, besides taking him to a regular medical appointment. Everything went well, but it's all stressful stuff that I dread doing. Once it's all done, it's like a load has lifted from my shoulders, till I have to do it all again...
Getting to the subject of Science Fiction & Horror...
Empire Magazine has an article online and they will also have it in their magazine available later this week about the making of the Dark Shadows movie. Included are 2 photos that had not been seen before of behind-the-scenes shots of Tim Burton directing Johnny Depp in his role of the reluctant vampire, Barnabas Collins and directing Michelle Pfeiffer and Johnny Lee Miller in their roles of Elizabeth Collins Stoddard and her brother Roger Collins. I crave any news of the movie that I can get, but I keep reading about the humor of the movie, the campiness, it's resemblance to BEETLEJUICE, etc., and it's killing me. I know there were occasionally funny things that happened on set, but Dark Shadows was NOT a comedy...
I really hope the movie turns out well and it looks as if it will LOOK wonderful (hopefully!), but what I am reading about it and some photos I am seeing are kind of worrying me...
It remains to be seen how it will all look in the finished product and I look forward to seeing it, but I really HOPE I am pleased by what I see and not utterly disappointed...
More ramblings from me tomorrow...
Stay spooky!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday Slump

How goes it?
Facebook's wacko, as usual LOL!
Google+ is working ok on one name of mine, but not the other. One isn't showing posts from anyone but me. I see replies to my posts, but no original posts from others. I've only been on G+ since the 16th or so, so I scrolled all the way back. I don't post THAT much! LOL! Nada. I need to add all the peeps I have on my email on this browser to the other email on my other browser, I guess, so I'll at least be able to see posts from them in there...
Ah, tech-nol-o-gy!
I love it when it works!
I HATE it when it doesn't!
I think I'll cut this short today.
Next 2 days might be short, if they come to fruition at all, so forgive an old woman.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Firefly Anniversary Watch

Yeah, I know... I missed another day... *sigh*

Last night to celebrate the anniversary of the premiere of FIREFLY, I watched 4 of my favorite episodes of that great show (that got such shoddy treatment by FOX).
I loved all the episodes of FIREFLY, so few that they were, but my favorites are
(in no particular order, but this is how I watched them)
Out of Gas
I never got into the show while it was on FOX because FOX showed them out of order and didn't even show them all.
They even waited till the last episode to show the original pilot!
They had Joss Whedon and Tim Minear to write ANOTHER pilot, compacting everything into a shorter episode called The Trail Job, which I THINK was the episode shown first on FOX.
It was an ok episode, but the original pilot called Serenity was truly the better of the two.
I just listened to a podcast called Popspotting that was about Firefly one week.
They were about as happy with FOX for their treatment of Firefly as I and many fans are.
Well, I think I'll shut up for today.
Keep Flyin' and Stay Shiny!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Oops! I Did It Again...

I missed a day again! Sorry!
This is something I am TRYING to make a habit!
I used to write in a diary and I am trying to make myself write SOMETHING everyday on this blog!
Yesterday, as I so often do, I got sidetracked.
I'll try to do better, so forgive an old woman.
Well, I am checking into an alternative to Netflix/Qwikster called GreenCine.
It looks interesting and comparable to Netflix's prices. We shall see.
It was a shame on the Emmy Awards "In Memoriam" segment that they didn't mention Jeff Conaway. Especially with his being on Babylon 5 and the great, award-winning show Taxi. Maybe the Oscars will mention him since he was in Grease...
Check out my Twitter/Facebook/Google+ feeds if ya dare! I post to all 3 of them usually through a plugin for Google+ called StartGoogle+ and got it at
I like being able to post from all 3 in one place, but I'd like to be able to read the FEEDS to all 3 in one place! LOL!
Anyway, too many things to do online and off today, so I'm out for now. Maybe more later!
Pleasant Screams!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Another Sucky Sunday

Thought I'd make this kinda puke green since it's another sucky Sunday here in the armpit of America LOL!
The laundromat I like (because it's cheap and doesn't employ people I don't like) is closed AGAIN! It was run for years by the Nicholas family and was open 24/7/365, then they gave up the business a few years ago. Someone else opened it up a year or so ago, but didn't last long and then, most recently, others opened it and a second-hand shop beside it and now it looks as if they are both caput...
I've been there several times lately and they've been closed. Now they have no signs in the windows and the shop side looks as though they're packing things up in it.
I HOPE I'm wrong and they're just moving stuff around and working on things, but not having the laundromat open, signs down that told the hours and all, is NOT a good sign... *sigh*
Bought cheap coffee, not so cheap fruit, cheap tortilla wraps, cheap garlic bologna & cheap cheese after spending $3.25 doing one load of laundry (wash $2.00, dry $1.25) on my way back here. That way I'll be able to hold out till we get groceries maybe in a week.
Anyone who says money doesn't buy happiness, has enough money not to give a crap about those who don't...
Maybe tomorrow I'll be less bitter, but I doubt it LOL!
Have a great day!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

September Saturday...

Been fiddling around on Facebook, Twitter & Google+ today. Sending emails to groups I'm on of Dark Shadows stationeries I've made, doing chores and stuff here. Nice weather. 71 degrees so far. Love Fall & Spring and Summer, but I'm dreadin' Winter!
My body just cannot take cold temps anymore and I have all kinds of aches and pains all over, especially my sinuses bother me once the weather begins to cool... It's also so damp in this area that I chill to the bone.
The temps were nearly 90 a couple of days ago, then was down into the 40s night before last.
WAY too much of a swing for me! BRRRR!
Today is much more comfortable and was last night, also. It was 51 when I first checked this morning around 7:20 am. The rest of the 5 day forecast looks pretty comfy day and night, although rain is in the forecast beginning Monday through Wednesday. Oh, well!
Last night we watched disc 3 of The Event, season 1. I hope there are many more seasons! They're still trying to get another network or someone to pick them up and I hope they succeed!
Only 2 more discs to go of it.
I'll miss it once we're finished with the rentals.
Laura Innes, Scott Patterson and so many others in the show are such good actors!
It's not a perfect show, but it was really good and I think it should have been renewed instead of many that were renewed that are not anywhere nearly as good.
Same for Flash Forward. Dang it! *sigh*
Gonna take another try at the laundromat tomorrow. If it's closed again, I'm going to the more expensive laundromat as badly as I HATE to!
So if I don't post tomorrow, forgive me!
I also plan on picking up a few things while I'm out that I'm out of or nearly.
I have $1 in folding money and around $25 in change, so whatever I have left after I go to the laundromat I'll probably be spending at the store(s)... *sigh*
EGAD! I'm so tired of having to scrimp!
I'm outta here!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Freezin'!

I decided to type in ICE BLUE today since I'm freezin' my fat tushie off!
It was in the low to mid 40s this morning and we hadn't started up our heaters yet, so BRRRR!
I know it was at least down to 55 according to the wall thermometer in the kitchen and that's up at head height, so I would say it was 50 in the floor, if not lower... Gimme Spring! LOL!
Two heaters are ready to go now and I hope to get the one in here ready in a while, so I can turn it on if need be. The bathroom heater felt good. That one is always ready to use, since it's a fan in Summer and a heater in Winter.
I've gotten started on Google+ and I'm trying to get Google+, Facebook and Twitter all synced with Start Google Plus. So far, at least Google+ and Facebook are synced, but not Twitter yet. Probably just needs a restart or some kind of adjustment.
Last night I watched Halloween 4 for the umpteenth time (not my decision).
Tonight I PLAN to watch disc 3 of season 1 of The Event. Disc 4 tomorrow or Sunday night.
I really miss that show and think it just got better as it went along. I've heard that they're still trying to get it picked up by some other network and I hope they succeed.
Best of luck on that, Nick Wauters!
Clifton Collins, Jr. and Ian Anthony Dale were my two favorite actors on the show, but I also loved Jason Ritter, Hal Holbrook and all the rest of the cast. Nice seeing the occasional guest-starring roles, also.
I saw peeps from LOST, Deadwood, Halloween 4&5, etc. and of course Hal Holbrook was in the original The Fog and Stephen King's CREEPSHOW.
More tomorrow, peeps!
Have a creepy-crawly day!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Soggy Thursday + JD Movies Of Last Night

Thought I'd type in green today since I feel like I'm growing roots again, it's so soggy outside LOL! I guess it's better than worrying about it being so dry that people start brush fires in the falling leaves...
Watched two of my favorite Johnny Depp period-piece movies last night. SLEEPY HOLLOW and FROM HELL. Makes me hope and wish that the Dark Shadows movie would look like them!
People will be complaining forever if he looks in the movie, the way he looks in the photos that were released of him the last few days...
I just don't understand why they want to make him look so clownish. Maybe some type of effect will normalize his look onscreen. I can only hope!
SLEEPY HOLLOW shows what Burton and Depp can accomplish if they really set their minds to it, with Dark Shadows. It stuck to the spirit of the book by Washington Irving, but added in the part about Ichabod Crane being a constable, instead of a school teacher as in the book, but he remained very skittish and apt to faint, which Ichabod was in the story.
The sets were wonderful, whether they were houses, a cave or the Western Woods.
The feeling of the blue color palette in part of the movie gave you a cold, damp sensation as you watched them outdoors.
The warm color palette indoors gave you a sensation of warmth.
The only time in the movie that everything seemed really bright and colorful was during the dream/memory scenes of Ichabod and his mother. When his father joined those scenes, the colors became more severe and dark.
At the end of the movie, just before the credits, the colors were a bit brighter, to signify a happy ending, I'm sure and Ichabod's release from his past, but none were so bright as his memories/dreams of his time with his beautiful mother.
FROM HELL is a different sort of animal altogether.
It is almost totally dark, grimy, gritty and realistic, except in it's portrayal of Jack The Ripper (since he seemed to have superhuman strength, wild eye color changes and thought he was better than all his fellows and that he heard voices... which he answered... hehe).
Abberline also seemed to have supernatural abilities to see crimes before they happened and to see Mary Kelly in her future life.
Usually the precognitive abilities only showed themselves when Abberline was "chasing the dragon" as drug use of opium called in the movie.
Someday I hope to read the graphic novel.
I have always been fascinated by Jack The Ripper.
More tomorrow, peeps!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What Is Tim Burton Doing???, Etc...

Only online for another few minutes, but wanted to post from the library today.
Came to town to do laundry, but laundromat's closed. Hoping it will be open when I head back to the old hacienda and I can do a bit of laundry there and steal some wifi from across the street LOL!
Library's nice, but their wifi isn't that fast and also, I get tired of their uncomfortable chairs LOL!
Anywho, I can't think of much to say about Science Fiction and Horror today besides...
Johnny Depp pics were released yesterday by several websites of him in full Barnabas Collins dress and MAKEUP! MAKEUP that MJ would have been proud of! WTF???
Even 45 years ago on the original Dark Shadows, they never had makeup that looked like THAT!
I'm hoping it will look a LOT different in the finished film, or that was just a joke or they were trying out some makeup and that won't be used??? EEEK!
The pics are circulating on Facebook and I'm sure on Twitter, though I haven't been on Twitter today yet.
Too much to do and too little time...
Also, the library limits wifi usage, so I'm almost out of that!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Robert Conrad's Podcasting!

Yep, found out yesterday that Robert Conrad (Hawaiian Eye, The Wild, Wild West (tv series), Baa Baa Black Sheep, High Mountain Rangers, etc., etc. to only name a few of the projects he's worked on over the years) is on Facebook!
His "Like" page is:
He only has 920 "Likes" and I can't understand that! We're talkin' James West here, peeps!
Pappy Boyington! Come on!
He also has a talk show on CRN radio:
and the show's available to download as podcasts. I'm not sure when it started, but I found episodes from April 2011 thru Sept. 2011. If I find any older episodes, I'll try to get them, too. I have them set up in my iTunes, so I will get all new eps, at least.
I know I enjoyed the commentaries he made for the entire first season of The Wild, Wild West and I'm sure I'll have fun listening to him interviewing people on his radio show.
I plan on listing a lot of podcasts I subscribe to on here, also, eventually LOL!
Everyone have a great day!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Missed A Day!

Ah, crisp Autumn-like air blowing through my long, flowing... uh, I have ultra short hair! Who's writing this? LOL!
 I didn't post yesterday (I don't THINK???)
This morning I get up to find out that Spartacus: Blood & Sand's Andy Whitfield has passed away at age 39. So sad when such young people pass away, especially to cancer.
John Hawkes had a birthday. Jim Beaver posted about it around midnight last night. Not sure if JH's birthday was yesterday or is today. Might check later. He's a very cool character actor. He's been in From Dusk Till Dawn, The Perfect Storm, Deadwood, Lost and The X-Files to name just a few tv shows and movies he's been in.
I have tinkered more with things I like on my Facebook page (Link in an earlier post for all my zillions of readers to click on LOL!)
I have been neglecting to create Incredimail stationeries as I normally do, so I made one of those this morning while I was waiting to switch computers after having my old desktop pc to download podcasts all night.
It was of a favorite actress of mine (and their aren't many), Michelle Rodriguez. A lot of people don't like her or the characters she plays in movies and on tv, but I like her attitude of not taking anything from anyone and she's a beautiful lady, to boot!
I hope to get back to posting about Science Fiction and Horror movies, tv shows and books soon, but just have been out of the mood the last couple of days.
Life is a beach! LOL!
Creepy Days, Spooky Nights, All!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday Meanderings

Just going to start this post now and finish it after I tend to the dogs.
Hope everyone is having a great day!
Thought I'd tinker with colors today to see what looks best and creepiest on my black background LOL!
More later!
I feel like I might be coming down with a cold. I'm HOPING it's just sinus problems or allergies... I HATE feeling contagious!
Ever since the weather began being cooler the last few days, I've felt sinus-y and I've had a headache all day. Vacuumed a lot earlier, cleaned 2 fans (put one of them away for the year), did some other cleaning and then bathed and dressed, but still don't feel any better, even after eating, taking vitamins and drinking coffee, juice and soda.
I'd much rather be heading into Spring than Fall, because I know what follows Fall... Winter... ICK!
I need a nap and a lonnng vacation, but doubt either one of them will be happening anytime soon... *sigh*
Now that I have a little cleaning done, I need to decorate for Halloween. I know it's early, but the weather is making me want to do it now. I have a couple of things out already, but have several other things in a tote and some Halloween-y plushies I need to dust off and put out.
 I need to read my posts to see what I've mentioned before, so I don't repeat myself a LOT! LOL!
Well, I think I'll stop for now. Haven't really said anything noteworthy or On-Topic, so I'm givin' up!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday Late, Late Post

I never planned on waiting this long to post, but I've been having WAY too much fun tinkering around on Facebook the last couple of days, adding favorite movies, tv shows, books and the like to my Scifihorrorfem Incredimail profile LOL! I am NOWHERE NEAR being done with it, but I decided I'd better post something today before it got any later!
Today, I will give you a list of my favorite authors.
I am a fan of literary works and crap alike, so take it all with a grain of salt.
Mary Shelley, Edgar Allen Poe, Bram Stoker, H. P. Lovecraft, Stephen King, Robert R. McCammon, F. Paul Wilson, Scott Nicholson, Peter David, Alan Dean Foster, Steve & Stephanie Perry and Seth Grahame-Smith are some of my favorite authors. I am sure I am leaving out many and these are a hodge-podge of authors of horror, science fiction, fantasy and the like, all jumbled together in that way, but I tried to put them in the order that they wrote or that I have read them, chronologically, sorta... LOL!
I just thought of one more and there are many... Thomas Tryon. He wrote The Other, Terrible Secret of Harvest Home and several other books. He was also an actor and as a very young man starred in I Married A Monster From Outer Space!
I'm a font of trivial information, as you will no doubt find out, if you haven't already LOL!
Ok, hopefully a longer post tomorrow and an earlier one!
Pleasant Screams!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Late Day Greetings!

Greetings all ye nutty enough to venture into my domain! Muahahahahaha! I'm not in a good mood today, but that's pretty much SSDD around here... Been grocery/necessity shopping and everytime I do to the store I get ticked off more and more at prices going up and/or sizes of products going down... *sigh* Also, I HATE it when a store sells something really cheap that I LOVE, then suddenly they don't carry it anymore... ARGH!
On to other subjects... I created a Facebook page. I already have one in my real name, but I wanted one for SciFiHorrorFem and I took my last name as Incredimail LOL! Had to leave out 3 of the 4 capital letters in my "first name", also... Here's the link:
I am enjoying using the feature of being able to pick out books, movies, tv shows, activities and interests on Facebook. I'd done it before, but I'd never had that much fun picking out things I like! LOL!
Well, I am posting this late after my busy day and I think I will cut it short.
Everyone have a creepy day!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday Floatin' Away...

Well, here it is after all! It was saved in the Drafts folder, thankfully! *sigh*
Another rainy day so far... A bit less than yesterday, but it's barely stopped raining since Sunday evening... I was hoping it was done when we had a dry spell of maybe 90 minutes earlier this morning... Oh, well!
I would have posted earlier, but I've been tinkering around a lot on Facebook & Twitter (via yfrog). Other than that, about all I've accomplished is straightening up the livingroom and getting the dogs watered/walked during that short dry spell around 9 am.
Yesterday I listed many movie favorites of mine, but barely scratched the surface...
Today I will mention a few tv shows of the present and past that I have enjoyed...
I am a BIG fan of the original series of Dark Shadows that ran on ABC from 1966 till 1971. It was originally a gothic romance soap opera that featured young Victoria Winters on her journey of discovery to Collinsport, Maine from the only home she'd ever known in a foundling home in New York City. She became the governess of David Collins, a child with many problems. She was employed by David's aunt, Elizabeth Collins Stoddard. David's father, Roger Collins felt there was no help for the boy and wanted to send him away to a boarding school. Elizabeth's daughter Carolyn Collins Stoddard rounded out the occupants of the huge mansion Collinwood in those early days. The show was in danger of cancellation early, but then after having success with the ghosts of Josette Collins, Bill Malloy and finally Laura Collins' return to try to take her son away with her in flames which revealed her as being The Phoenix, the show became even more supernatural when a vampire was introduced...
Willie Loomis was a violent young man and caused lots of disturbances and trouble from the time he had come to Collinsport and began staying at Collinwood with his friend Jason McGuire who was blackmailing Elizabeth Collins Stoddard.
Willie had a love for jewels and he heard and read of a legend that Naomi Collins had been buried with jewelry given to her by a pirate.
He asked questions of the family and of Mrs. Johnson, the housekeeper who had come to Collinwood after her former employer Bill Malloy had been murdered.
Willie also looked through family books and began to study the portrait of Barnabas Collins who had lived in the late 1700s.
Barnabas wore a large, onyx ring, a piece of jewelry resembling a medal or medals and a pendant of some sort, so Willie was fascinated by that portrait. Finally, he began hearing a heartbeat as he stared at the painting...
This would change Willie's life forever and would give a shot in the arm to the show...
Willie decided to break into the Collins mausoleum and open Naomi Collins' coffin to steal the jewels he'd been hearing and reading so much about...
When he was trying to figure out a way to open the coffin, he attached a block & tackle's hook to a ring in the mouth of a lion's head over the section of the back wall of the mausoleum where the plaque telling the birth and death dates of Naomi Collins...
Suddenly, the heartbeat he'd heard before began pounding as the ring began to pull from the mouth of the lion and the wall opened, revealing it to be a false wall, hiding a room at the back of the tomb...
Willie found a chained coffin inside that room and proceeded to open it with the tools he'd stolen from Collinwood.
Once the chains were off, Willie lifted the lid and...
A large hand with an old-fashioned lace-edged sleeve and a large, black onyx ring on it's finger reached up and grabbed him by the throat!
Willie Loomis, Dark Shadows, television & we who have been Dark Shadows fans nearly all our lives would never be the same, again!
More tomorrow!

Uh, I WAS Doing A LONG Post Today, But...

Well, I WAS going to do a LONG post today, but I got an error message and it was all lost!
I got an error message yesterday and couldn't add a pic to an old post...
Now you know why I never blogged much before and why I have to FORCE myself to do THIS ONE everyday!
More tomorrow, maybe...

Monday, September 5, 2011

Laboring Over This Labor Day Post

I started this post like an hour ago and just now am getting around to typing LOL!
SSDD here. At least the temps have cooled and we're getting rain (even though most of my body likes it, my sinuses DON'T!). Flash Flood Watch in effect till Wednesday morning, but we needed rain. The ground was cracking open in places it was so dry.
On to favorite movies, tv shows & books!
Favorite movies of mine are ALIEN, ALIENS, ALIEN3, ALIEN: RESURRECTION, TERMINATOR, TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY, TERMINATOR 3: RISE OF THE MACHINES, TERMINATOR 4: SALVATION, PREDATOR, PREDATOR 2, AVP, AVP: REQUIEM, any of the STAR TREK movies, from STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE all the way through J. J. Abrams' STAR TREK. I am looking forward to the sequel(s). I enjoy all kinds of movies, but sticking to the subjects of Science Fiction, Horror & Fantasy, I have a list literally a mile long LOL! Other favorite movies of mine are: PSYCHO, THE EXORCIST, EXORCIST III, etc., etc., etc....
A NEW favorite of mine is STAKE LAND! Not for the squeamish or those that don't approve of foul language, but it's SUCH a good movie that never really saw much of the light of day! It was shown at film festivals and very few theaters, but I'd heard good things about it on podcasts that I listen to, so I rented it from Netflix. I am sure I have seen Nick Damici the actor who played one of the main characters called Mister (and co-wrote the movie!) and Connor Paolo the young actor who played another main character called Martin, but they weren't household names to me. I thought Nick Damici had a look combining Tom Savini & Kim Coates on the dvd cover pic... Along with them, the movie had several name actors in the cast, including Kelly McGillis, Danielle Harris & Michael Cerveris and MANY familiar faces! For the uninitiated, Kelly McGillis acted in WITNESS & TOP GUN, to name only a couple of movies of hers. Danielle Harris has acted since she was a young girl in tv (One Life to Live) & movies (Halloween 4 being her first movie and it was released when she was all of 11 yrs old) and she also directs and produces. Michael Cerveris is from Huntington, West Virginia I just saw on IMDb! Well, he was raised in Huntington, but he was born in Bethesda, Maryland. He's nearly the same age I am and we grew up 30 miles apart! WOW! Anyway, he is best known for his role as one of the Observers on FRINGE, but he has been acting since he was 3 yrs old! I just enjoyed STAKE LAND a LOT and think it deserves a lot of fans that should have been exposed to it in theaters.
I think I'll stop for now. I've been doing this blathering off and on for the last 5 hours now and haven't accomplished a lot.
More tomorrow!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

SciFiHorrorFem Venting Sunday! LOL!

I will keep my language clean and try not to scream so loudly that peeps hear me clear across the world, but people that put stupid file names on things DRIVE ME NUTS!!!

I am an INCREDIMAIL NUT as I think I mentioned in my first blog post? and I was trying to find the .imf files for some Incredimail stationeries to send to my dear friend Donamarie on my group (Of which she and I are currently the only members, but hopefully we'll gain some soon???), but I digress... and the file names were totally WRONG... The woman who made the stationeries named three of them awsome_sends, so they had a string of numbers and letters after them, which in and of itself is a big PITA, but to name three different stationeries the SAME NAME!?!?! and also, the other one she named welcome_ and on that stationery, it said Happy Halloween!!!?!?!?!!!
I hope she hasn't named all her stationeries as weirdly as those... Not that I have many of them, but these were a set of stationeries with various sayings on them... Awesome Sends, Happy Halloween, Newbie Here and Welcome all featuring the likeness of a Karloffian-looking Frankenstein monster ;-) so I HAD to have them! LOL! Anyway, since it's less than 60 days till Halloween LOL! AND I have SFHFI (SciFiHorrorFansIncredimail), and am a nut for Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror anything, I was sending them to her and myself from an old desktop computer of mine and the file names were driving me INSANE on that computer and fearing I'd send the wrong .imf files, I decided to see if I had them saved into my backup here on my newer desktop computer...
Thanks to Incredimail IMF Browser, I finally FOUND them, but when I saw the file names, I would have liked to grab the lady who made them so I could shake her LOL!
I have calmed down now, so I shall shut up LOL!
About that, anyway... I didn't get email notifications from Twitter yesterday for two replies to a Tweet from me and THAT ticks me off, too! LOL!
I dunno... technology is GREAT when it WORKS and when people have the sense to name something a normal name, so you can find the blasted file when you need to, but GEEZE! LOL!
Ok, next post SHOULD be about favorite movies and tv shows of mine, but ya never know! Hehe
Keep flyin'!