Friday, September 23, 2011

Firefly Anniversary Watch

Yeah, I know... I missed another day... *sigh*

Last night to celebrate the anniversary of the premiere of FIREFLY, I watched 4 of my favorite episodes of that great show (that got such shoddy treatment by FOX).
I loved all the episodes of FIREFLY, so few that they were, but my favorites are
(in no particular order, but this is how I watched them)
Out of Gas
I never got into the show while it was on FOX because FOX showed them out of order and didn't even show them all.
They even waited till the last episode to show the original pilot!
They had Joss Whedon and Tim Minear to write ANOTHER pilot, compacting everything into a shorter episode called The Trail Job, which I THINK was the episode shown first on FOX.
It was an ok episode, but the original pilot called Serenity was truly the better of the two.
I just listened to a podcast called Popspotting that was about Firefly one week.
They were about as happy with FOX for their treatment of Firefly as I and many fans are.
Well, I think I'll shut up for today.
Keep Flyin' and Stay Shiny!

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