Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Oops! I Did It Again...

I missed a day again! Sorry!
This is something I am TRYING to make a habit!
I used to write in a diary and I am trying to make myself write SOMETHING everyday on this blog!
Yesterday, as I so often do, I got sidetracked.
I'll try to do better, so forgive an old woman.
Well, I am checking into an alternative to Netflix/Qwikster called GreenCine.
It looks interesting and comparable to Netflix's prices. We shall see.
It was a shame on the Emmy Awards "In Memoriam" segment that they didn't mention Jeff Conaway. Especially with his being on Babylon 5 and the great, award-winning show Taxi. Maybe the Oscars will mention him since he was in Grease...
Check out my Twitter/Facebook/Google+ feeds if ya dare! I post to all 3 of them usually through a plugin for Google+ called StartGoogle+ and got it at http://sgplus.me
I like being able to post from all 3 in one place, but I'd like to be able to read the FEEDS to all 3 in one place! LOL!
Anyway, too many things to do online and off today, so I'm out for now. Maybe more later!
Pleasant Screams!

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