Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday Slump

How goes it?
Facebook's wacko, as usual LOL!
Google+ is working ok on one name of mine, but not the other. One isn't showing posts from anyone but me. I see replies to my posts, but no original posts from others. I've only been on G+ since the 16th or so, so I scrolled all the way back. I don't post THAT much! LOL! Nada. I need to add all the peeps I have on my email on this browser to the other email on my other browser, I guess, so I'll at least be able to see posts from them in there...
Ah, tech-nol-o-gy!
I love it when it works!
I HATE it when it doesn't!
I think I'll cut this short today.
Next 2 days might be short, if they come to fruition at all, so forgive an old woman.

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