Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shadows Of The Night

Sorry that I've neglected posting to my blog for a couple of days.
Real life sometimes takes over and I'm still very new at this daily blogging thing LOL!
Saturday I did a lot of cleaning and rearranging in this room, then Sunday I was nervous about things I had to do on Monday, besides recovering from all the stuff I did Saturday, then yesterday I did a lot of paperwork for my dad, did a little cleaning and errands for him, besides taking him to a regular medical appointment. Everything went well, but it's all stressful stuff that I dread doing. Once it's all done, it's like a load has lifted from my shoulders, till I have to do it all again...
Getting to the subject of Science Fiction & Horror...
Empire Magazine has an article online and they will also have it in their magazine available later this week about the making of the Dark Shadows movie. Included are 2 photos that had not been seen before of behind-the-scenes shots of Tim Burton directing Johnny Depp in his role of the reluctant vampire, Barnabas Collins and directing Michelle Pfeiffer and Johnny Lee Miller in their roles of Elizabeth Collins Stoddard and her brother Roger Collins. I crave any news of the movie that I can get, but I keep reading about the humor of the movie, the campiness, it's resemblance to BEETLEJUICE, etc., and it's killing me. I know there were occasionally funny things that happened on set, but Dark Shadows was NOT a comedy...
I really hope the movie turns out well and it looks as if it will LOOK wonderful (hopefully!), but what I am reading about it and some photos I am seeing are kind of worrying me...
It remains to be seen how it will all look in the finished product and I look forward to seeing it, but I really HOPE I am pleased by what I see and not utterly disappointed...
More ramblings from me tomorrow...
Stay spooky!

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