Thursday, September 15, 2011

Soggy Thursday + JD Movies Of Last Night

Thought I'd type in green today since I feel like I'm growing roots again, it's so soggy outside LOL! I guess it's better than worrying about it being so dry that people start brush fires in the falling leaves...
Watched two of my favorite Johnny Depp period-piece movies last night. SLEEPY HOLLOW and FROM HELL. Makes me hope and wish that the Dark Shadows movie would look like them!
People will be complaining forever if he looks in the movie, the way he looks in the photos that were released of him the last few days...
I just don't understand why they want to make him look so clownish. Maybe some type of effect will normalize his look onscreen. I can only hope!
SLEEPY HOLLOW shows what Burton and Depp can accomplish if they really set their minds to it, with Dark Shadows. It stuck to the spirit of the book by Washington Irving, but added in the part about Ichabod Crane being a constable, instead of a school teacher as in the book, but he remained very skittish and apt to faint, which Ichabod was in the story.
The sets were wonderful, whether they were houses, a cave or the Western Woods.
The feeling of the blue color palette in part of the movie gave you a cold, damp sensation as you watched them outdoors.
The warm color palette indoors gave you a sensation of warmth.
The only time in the movie that everything seemed really bright and colorful was during the dream/memory scenes of Ichabod and his mother. When his father joined those scenes, the colors became more severe and dark.
At the end of the movie, just before the credits, the colors were a bit brighter, to signify a happy ending, I'm sure and Ichabod's release from his past, but none were so bright as his memories/dreams of his time with his beautiful mother.
FROM HELL is a different sort of animal altogether.
It is almost totally dark, grimy, gritty and realistic, except in it's portrayal of Jack The Ripper (since he seemed to have superhuman strength, wild eye color changes and thought he was better than all his fellows and that he heard voices... which he answered... hehe).
Abberline also seemed to have supernatural abilities to see crimes before they happened and to see Mary Kelly in her future life.
Usually the precognitive abilities only showed themselves when Abberline was "chasing the dragon" as drug use of opium called in the movie.
Someday I hope to read the graphic novel.
I have always been fascinated by Jack The Ripper.
More tomorrow, peeps!

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