Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Late Day Greetings!

Greetings all ye nutty enough to venture into my domain! Muahahahahaha! I'm not in a good mood today, but that's pretty much SSDD around here... Been grocery/necessity shopping and everytime I do to the store I get ticked off more and more at prices going up and/or sizes of products going down... *sigh* Also, I HATE it when a store sells something really cheap that I LOVE, then suddenly they don't carry it anymore... ARGH!
On to other subjects... I created a Facebook page. I already have one in my real name, but I wanted one for SciFiHorrorFem and I took my last name as Incredimail LOL! Had to leave out 3 of the 4 capital letters in my "first name", also... Here's the link:
I am enjoying using the feature of being able to pick out books, movies, tv shows, activities and interests on Facebook. I'd done it before, but I'd never had that much fun picking out things I like! LOL!
Well, I am posting this late after my busy day and I think I will cut it short.
Everyone have a creepy day!

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