Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Freezin'!

I decided to type in ICE BLUE today since I'm freezin' my fat tushie off!
It was in the low to mid 40s this morning and we hadn't started up our heaters yet, so BRRRR!
I know it was at least down to 55 according to the wall thermometer in the kitchen and that's up at head height, so I would say it was 50 in the floor, if not lower... Gimme Spring! LOL!
Two heaters are ready to go now and I hope to get the one in here ready in a while, so I can turn it on if need be. The bathroom heater felt good. That one is always ready to use, since it's a fan in Summer and a heater in Winter.
I've gotten started on Google+ and I'm trying to get Google+, Facebook and Twitter all synced with Start Google Plus. So far, at least Google+ and Facebook are synced, but not Twitter yet. Probably just needs a restart or some kind of adjustment.
Last night I watched Halloween 4 for the umpteenth time (not my decision).
Tonight I PLAN to watch disc 3 of season 1 of The Event. Disc 4 tomorrow or Sunday night.
I really miss that show and think it just got better as it went along. I've heard that they're still trying to get it picked up by some other network and I hope they succeed.
Best of luck on that, Nick Wauters!
Clifton Collins, Jr. and Ian Anthony Dale were my two favorite actors on the show, but I also loved Jason Ritter, Hal Holbrook and all the rest of the cast. Nice seeing the occasional guest-starring roles, also.
I saw peeps from LOST, Deadwood, Halloween 4&5, etc. and of course Hal Holbrook was in the original The Fog and Stephen King's CREEPSHOW.
More tomorrow, peeps!
Have a creepy-crawly day!

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