Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday Late, Late Post

I never planned on waiting this long to post, but I've been having WAY too much fun tinkering around on Facebook the last couple of days, adding favorite movies, tv shows, books and the like to my Scifihorrorfem Incredimail profile LOL! I am NOWHERE NEAR being done with it, but I decided I'd better post something today before it got any later!
Today, I will give you a list of my favorite authors.
I am a fan of literary works and crap alike, so take it all with a grain of salt.
Mary Shelley, Edgar Allen Poe, Bram Stoker, H. P. Lovecraft, Stephen King, Robert R. McCammon, F. Paul Wilson, Scott Nicholson, Peter David, Alan Dean Foster, Steve & Stephanie Perry and Seth Grahame-Smith are some of my favorite authors. I am sure I am leaving out many and these are a hodge-podge of authors of horror, science fiction, fantasy and the like, all jumbled together in that way, but I tried to put them in the order that they wrote or that I have read them, chronologically, sorta... LOL!
I just thought of one more and there are many... Thomas Tryon. He wrote The Other, Terrible Secret of Harvest Home and several other books. He was also an actor and as a very young man starred in I Married A Monster From Outer Space!
I'm a font of trivial information, as you will no doubt find out, if you haven't already LOL!
Ok, hopefully a longer post tomorrow and an earlier one!
Pleasant Screams!

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