Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Have A Headache...

When I brought up my Google+ profile page this morning (I have that open first when I click on my Google+ link), it informed me that I needed to change my name on Google+ (SciFiHorrorFem Incredimail, the same as on here and Gmail and Facebook and just SciFiHorrorFem on Twitter, so hmmm?)... I changed it by taking out all but one capital letter... Scifihorrorfem Incredimail, so we'll see if that fixes it???
I don't know... All I know is I've been using that name for weeks and that's the first they've said a word about it...
I signed on to Google+ last night from my laptop, so I could put Google+ and other things on my laptop that I hadn't, since I don't use it everyday like this one, so maybe that made things go nuts? I dunno...
To get to things I actually WANT to discuss...
I watched DEXTER Season 5, Disc 3 last night.
I moved Season 5, Disc 4 up to the top of my Netflix rental queue last night right after finishing Disc 3. I LOVE DEXTER!
The podcast Dissecting Dexter has a new Facebook page if you'd like to check it out.
I'm trying to wait and go in order from his first podcasts through to the end, but he's kind of jumping around a bit, but the podcast is very interesting and he has some good production values, besides being a big fan of the show, so it's enjoyable to listen to.
Also, Damon Lindleoff talks about the cast of the upcoming ALIEN prequel PROMETHEUS if ya'd like to check that out, also. Sorta spoilery, so be warned!
I'm a BIG ALIEN fan, so this movie is very interesting to me!
I am very happy with the cast that I've seen so far. Charlize Theron is a beautiful lady with great acting chops and I think she will add a LOT to PROMETHEUS. Michael Fassbender is also very interesting to me. I still need to see X-MEN: FIRST CLASS and him in it as Eric "Magneto" Lenscher (forgive my spelling but not checking IMDb before I post this LOL!).
It's great to be finding great blogs on here that interest me.
I'm glad to be a member of Blogger and hope to continue rambling and hopefully will gain some followers of my own!
Have a beastly day, gang!

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