Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday Meanderings

Just going to start this post now and finish it after I tend to the dogs.
Hope everyone is having a great day!
Thought I'd tinker with colors today to see what looks best and creepiest on my black background LOL!
More later!
I feel like I might be coming down with a cold. I'm HOPING it's just sinus problems or allergies... I HATE feeling contagious!
Ever since the weather began being cooler the last few days, I've felt sinus-y and I've had a headache all day. Vacuumed a lot earlier, cleaned 2 fans (put one of them away for the year), did some other cleaning and then bathed and dressed, but still don't feel any better, even after eating, taking vitamins and drinking coffee, juice and soda.
I'd much rather be heading into Spring than Fall, because I know what follows Fall... Winter... ICK!
I need a nap and a lonnng vacation, but doubt either one of them will be happening anytime soon... *sigh*
Now that I have a little cleaning done, I need to decorate for Halloween. I know it's early, but the weather is making me want to do it now. I have a couple of things out already, but have several other things in a tote and some Halloween-y plushies I need to dust off and put out.
 I need to read my posts to see what I've mentioned before, so I don't repeat myself a LOT! LOL!
Well, I think I'll stop for now. Haven't really said anything noteworthy or On-Topic, so I'm givin' up!

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