Sunday, September 18, 2011

Another Sucky Sunday

Thought I'd make this kinda puke green since it's another sucky Sunday here in the armpit of America LOL!
The laundromat I like (because it's cheap and doesn't employ people I don't like) is closed AGAIN! It was run for years by the Nicholas family and was open 24/7/365, then they gave up the business a few years ago. Someone else opened it up a year or so ago, but didn't last long and then, most recently, others opened it and a second-hand shop beside it and now it looks as if they are both caput...
I've been there several times lately and they've been closed. Now they have no signs in the windows and the shop side looks as though they're packing things up in it.
I HOPE I'm wrong and they're just moving stuff around and working on things, but not having the laundromat open, signs down that told the hours and all, is NOT a good sign... *sigh*
Bought cheap coffee, not so cheap fruit, cheap tortilla wraps, cheap garlic bologna & cheap cheese after spending $3.25 doing one load of laundry (wash $2.00, dry $1.25) on my way back here. That way I'll be able to hold out till we get groceries maybe in a week.
Anyone who says money doesn't buy happiness, has enough money not to give a crap about those who don't...
Maybe tomorrow I'll be less bitter, but I doubt it LOL!
Have a great day!

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